DHS Informatics offers the latest 2024-2025 IEEE projects on AI, ML, and DL for final year engineering students. We provide comprehensive project training and placement support in Bangalore through our OJT (On Job Training) program. Join us for IEEE projects and job opportunities in top IT companies. We have been providing IEEE projects for BE / B.Tech, M.Tech, MCA, BCA, and Diploma students for over two decades.
Python Final year CSE projects in Bangalore
This project is used to manage wastage foods in a useful way. Every day the people are wasting lots of foods. So we have to reduce that food wastage problem through online. If anyone has wastage foods they are entering their food quantity details and their address in that application and then the admin maintain the details of food donator. The donator can create the account and whenever they are having wastage food they can login and give request to the admin. And the admin also maintain the buyer (orphanage, poor people,..) details too. After the admin view the donator request and give the alert message like time to come and collect the food. And the admin collect foods from donator through their nearby agent then provide to nearest orphanages or poor people. After receiving the food from the agent by admin and give alert message to that donator. If the donator needs any detail about the orphanage with helping thought they can give request to the admin and collect the orphanage details. This project is food redistribution is an enormously successful social innovation that tackles food waste and food poverty. The user’s details are maintained confidential because it maintains a separate account for each user.
The increasing complexity of smartphone applications and services yields high battery consumption, while the growth of battery capacity in smartphones is not keeping up with these increasing power demands. To overcome this problem, researchers introduced the Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) research area. In this paper, we advance on previous ideas, proposing and implementing a Near Field Communication (NFC)-based computation offloading framework. This research is motivated by the advantages of NFC’s short distance communication, its better security, and its low battery consumption characteristics. We design a new NFC communication protocol that overcomes the limitations of the default protocol, such as the need for constant user interaction, the one–way communication restraint, and the limit on low data size transfer. Then, on top of the proposed solution, we implement a framework that can be used for offloading mobile applications to other mobile devices or to cloudlets equipped with NFC readers. We present experimental results of the energy consumption and the time duration of computationally and data intensive representative applications, such as (i) RSA key generation and encryption, (ii) gaming/puzzles, (iii) face detection, (iv) media download from the Internet, and (v) data transferring between the mobile and the cloudlet. We show that when the helper device is more powerful than the device offloading the computations, the execution time of the tasks is reduced. Finally, we show that devices that offload application parts reduce their energy consumption considerably, thanks to the low–power NFC interface and the benefits of offloading.
The main objective of the project is that it helps people avoid standing in queues for long periods of time. This time which is wasted in waiting can be utilized to do more productive things. More over it also looks into the fact that during a pandemic like this COVID-19, people are urged to maintain a specific amount of social distance. By using this Android App people will not only avoid coming in contact with one another but they will also save a lot of time. This project works on the basis of a token system. Every time a customer wants to get service from the service provider, he has to request for a token through an android app, to the service provider web server, the application running in web server will issues token with a number on it to requested customer. The first three tokens are allowed to go inside the place immediately and while the customer with token N is allowed inside, the person with token N+1 is notified that his turn is next and at the same time all the other token holders get a notification saying that “Token N has entered”. This proves beneficial to many people as it avoids contact with other people and also saves time.
Counterfeit medications are known as the medications that were manufactured for the purpose of deceptively representing as authentic, effective and original in the market. Such medications cause severe health issues for patients. Counterfeited drugs have an inimical effect on the human health. The legal manufacturing companies also face threats to their revenue loss due to these counterfeited medicines. In this paper, we introduce a novel authentication protocol for anti-counterfeited drugs systems based on Internet of Things (IoT) to help checking the validity of drugs “unit dosage”. Our protocol uses the nearfield communication (NFC) as it is convenient for mobile environment. The protocol also offers reliable update phase for NFC. Furthermore, our scheme is complemented with performance evaluation along with the use of random oracle model for formal security analysis. We also evaluate our protocol broadly using Py-Charm tool. Results show that proposed protocol resists most of common related flaws almost in equal computing cost with more added security features.
Contact tracing is an essential tool for public health officials and local communities to fight the spread of novel diseases, such as for the COVID-19 pandemic. The Singaporean government just released a mobile phone app, TraceTogether, that is designed to assist health officials in tracking down exposures after an infected individual is identified. However, there are important privacy implications of the existence of such tracking apps. Here, we analyze some of those implications and discuss ways of ameliorating the privacy concerns without decreasing usefulness to public health. We hope in writing this document to ensure that privacy is a central feature of conversations surrounding mobile contact tracing apps and to encourage community efforts to develop alternative effective solutions with stronger privacy protection for the users. Importantly, though we discuss potential modifications, this document is not meant as a formal research paper, but instead is a response to some of the privacy characteristics of direct contact tracing apps like TraceTogether and an early-stage Request for Comments to the community.
The use of credit and debit cards in today’s world has become so easy and fast. The card transactions have become increasingly omnipresent and so have the dangers to cyber crime. Three major attacks that we go through with the usage of ATM cards is skimming devices, shoulder surfing and fake keyboard. A common problem associated with cyber crime and the blocking of ATM cards is the long and tiring interactions with the company customer services. In this project we are using a three level of authentication factor employing CAPTCHA, Dash Matrix Algorithm and One-time password. There is a NFC card with all the bank details of the customer. With the help of NFC tag in the ATM machine all the information in the tag is identified by the system. Then the data is encrypted and finally a OTP is sent to the mobile of the customer in order to undergo any transactions. This proposed system, therefore, ensures both secure usage of ATM cards and cost effectiveness by utilising a common and user friendly technology.
We address the secure pairing of mobile devices based on accelerometer data under various transportation environments, e.g., train, tram, car, bike,walking, etc. As users commonly commute by several transportation modes, extracting session keys from various scenarios to secure the private network of user’s devices or even the public network formed by devices belonging to distinct users that share the same location is crucial. The main goal of our work is to establish the amount of entropy that can be collected from these environments in order to determine concrete security bounds for each environment. We test several signal processing techniques on the extracted data, e.g., low-pass and high-pass lters, then apply sigma-delta modulation in order to expand the size of the feature vectors and increase both the pairing success rate and security level. Further, we bootstrap secure session keys by the use of existing cryptographic building blocks EKE (Encrypted Key Exchange) and SPEKE (Simple Password Exponential Key Exchange).We implement our proof-of-concept application on Android smart-phones and take benet from numerical processing environments for the off-line analysis of the collected datasets.
Multimodal biometric authentication method can conquer the defects of the unimodal biometric authentication technology. In this paper, we design and develop an efficient Android-based multimodal biometric authentication system with face and voice. Considering the hardware performance restriction of the smart terminal, including the random access memory (RAM), central processing unit (CPU) and graphics processor unit (GPU), etc., which cannot efficiently accomplish the tasks of storing and quickly processing the large amount of data, a face detection method is introduced to efficiently discard the redundant background of the image and reduce the unnecessary information. Furthermore, an improved local binary pattern (LBP) coding method is presented to improve the robustness of the extracted face feature. We also improve the conventional endpoint detection technology, i.e. the voice activity detection (VAD) method, which can efficiently increase the detection accuracy of the voice mute and transition information and boost the voice matching effectiveness. To boost the authentication accuracy and effectiveness, we present an adaptive fusion strategy which organically integrates the merits of the face and voice biometrics simultaneously. The cross-validation experiments with public databases demonstrate encouraging authentication performances compared with some state-of-the-art methods. Extensive testing experiments on Android-based smart terminal show that the developed multimodal biometric authentication system achieves perfect authentication effect and can efficiently content the practical requirements.
The use of Near Field Communication (NFC) technology for contactless mobile transactions has become popular in the past decade with the availability of this technology in mobile devices. Today, there are millions of NFC-enabled mobile handsets in the market, with mobile handset manufacturers and mobile network operators enabling m-wallet solutions using the Secure Elements (SE) that they own, thus can remotely control, on the devices. While this approach gives full control to the SE owner to activate any mobile transaction system on a device, having a more flexible approach would increase the benefits that end users could obtain from this technology in a variety of use cases. In this paper, we introduce a novel protocol for the NFC-based mobile transaction procedure, which uses tamper-resistant SEs that are already installed at the transaction terminals, and is mobile handset manufacturer and mobile network operator independent. We evaluate and show the feasibility of the use of our proposed model with common mobile electronic payment scenarios. The evaluation results demonstrate that the proposed solution is promising for adoption as a secure NFC transaction model, which will have applications in various security-sensitive IoT scenarios, including but not limited to, mobile identification, healthcare, payment and access control.
Blockchain secures a variety of IoT circumstance, when information or system validation information is placed on a blockchain, personal data might be spilled through the affirmation of working system. This paper observes a Zero-Knowledge proof for an awesome meter framework to illustrate the effectiveness of uncovered information as an instance. This research work has pondered a way to enhance the obscurity of blockchain for safety insurance. In addition to that, device Near-field communication (NFC) generation is used as a mobile platform application. The fundamental idea of this research is to provide a secure service to a consumer through mobile application using the near field communication card and Zero knowledge authentication system.
Abstract:Electronic medical recd systems (EMR) have been used in adopting primary care physicians; few also use such system in practice. It is said to be user friendly environment , secure in services , many new ways have been used in order to access health care data. With ought to reducing of patient quality care mobile health care system is said to be implemented. By using Near Field Communication (NFC) a novel method is developed that uses basic architecture for m-health care services. For the welfare of the patients requirement the mobile health care system have been used globally. The work highlights fetching patient records by the doctor in a single tap with NFC tag to the NFC reader. With the help of Near Field Communication (NFC), these following steps need to be undertaken with high priority in order as well as provisioning the healthcare of the patients anytime and anywhere through wireless technologies.
+91-98451 66723
+91-98866 92401
Abstract: The main aim of this paper, to introduce the online based app for applying and renewals of bus pass in the government bus. Those who wish to take a bus pass in the government bus and also renewal of their bus pass within the specific period of time which is easy by using this app.
Abstract: This project deals with the camera application that can process the image to various processes. The impact of this project is made by the existing system where Google Lens process the image into text, translate, navigate and search about the text. The image is processed based on two major modules TEXT and IMAGE. TEXT module contains OCR, translation, maps, related Images. IMAGE module contains face emotions and image recognition. Where face emotion detects a face and reveals one’s reactions such as happiness or sadness, etc. Whereas the image recognition module processes the entire object within an image and identifies each object in text form.
+91-98451 66723
+91-98866 92401
Abstract : Traffic congestion is a common phenomenon in developing countries like Bangladesh. This is the quotidian scenario in most of the metropolitan cities of the world. Because of heavy Traffic, people lose their valuable time from their busy schedule. One of the prime reasons of this Traffic congestion is parking on the roadside. So, a need arises to develop a parking system so that it can reduce the Traffic congestion in near future. The paper focuses on a smart android based parking control application which will help you to find out a parking area in nearby your location. The mobile application will also help you to pay the parking charge by online payment system. A counter will be there in the application which will help you to count the amount of time your car have spent in the parking lot. This application will also track the entire process and all the previous records.
+91-98451 66723
+91-98866 92401
Abstract : With the increasing market share of Android devices, malicious applications are developing and spreading rapidly. So it is imperative to improve the detection accuracy of Android malware. In this paper, we propose a hybrid detection method that performs dynamic detection on the results of static detection. The proposed method extracts the static features and dynamic features of the application, which can better detect the maliciousness of the Android application. Furthermore, we present experimental results of three ensemble methods in the dynamic detection, and choose the XGBoost algorithm with the optimum performance. Finally, we show that our method achieves a detection accuracy of 94.6%, which is higher than 85.3% of the static detection and 94.1% of the dynamic detection.
Abstract : Mobile and web application security, particularly the areas of data privacy, has raised much concerns from the public in recent years. Most applications, or apps for short, are installed without disclosing full information to users and clearly stating what the application has access to, which often raises concern when users become aware of unnecessary information being collected. Unfortunately, most users have little to no technical expertise in regards to what permissions should be turned on and can only rely on their intuition and past experiences to make relatively uninformed decisions. To solve this problem, we developed Droid Net, which is a crowd-sourced Android recommendation tool and framework. DroidNet alleviates privacy concerns and presents users with high confidence permission control recommendations based on the decision from expert users who are using the same apps. This paper explains the general framework, principles, and model behind Droid Net while also providing an experimental setup design which shows the effectiveness and necessity for such a tool.
Abstract : The concepts of smart home and Internet of Things (IoT) are becoming reality. Although the basic principles of this new communication paradigm are well defined, yet the practice lacks knowledge of the difficulties related to its practical realization and usage. This paper aims at highlighting some hands-on problems and solutions when implementing a simple and yet very comprehensive and easy to use smart-home solution. Our design is based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication with the peripheral devices and an Android central hub for coordination. The proposed solution gains the advantages provided by the Google Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), in order to provide geographical flexibility for the client’s application and networking. The paper provides testing results related to the development and verification of the smart home solution.
Abstract : This paper presents a low-cost smart home system with an efficient system. The hardware consists of NodeMCU Arduino, PIR sensor, temperature sensor, light dependent resistor and a motion sensor in IP Camera. The software includes ArduinoIDE and MIT app inventor II for Android mobile phones. The system developed based on Android user Interface for controlling a smart home. The NETPIE platform, which is a network of IoT, is used for interfacing between a user and a smart home. This system consists of lighting system, fan and security system. The notification is through LINE Notify app. The system includes two control systems; manual and automatic. From the results, it is shown that the control system is well performance while it is developed just low-cost devices.
DHS Informatics believes in students’ stratification, we first brief the students about the technologies and type of Android projects and other domain projects. After complete concept explanation of the IEEE Android projects, students are allowed to choose more than one IEEE Android projects for functionality details. Even students can pick one project topic from Android and another two from other domains like Android, data mining, image process, information forensic, big data, android, Android, data science, block chain etc. DHS Informatics is a pioneer institute in Bangalore / Bengaluru; we are supporting project works for other institute all over India. We are the leading final year project centre in Bangalore / Bengaluru and having office in five different main locations Jayanagar, Yelahanka, Vijayanagar, RT Nagar & Indiranagar.
We allow the ECE, CSE, ISE final year students to use the lab and assist them in project development work; even we encourage students to get their own idea to develop their final year projects for their college submission.
DHS Informatics first train students on project related topics then students are entering into practical sessions. We have well equipped lab set-up, experienced faculties those who are working in our client projects and friendly student coordinator to assist the students in their college project works.
We appreciated by students for our Latest IEEE projects & concepts on final year Android projects for ECE, CSE, and ISE departments.
Latest IEEE 2024-2025 projects on Android with real time concepts which are implemented using Java, MATLAB, and NS2 with innovative ideas. Final year students of computer Android, computer science, information science, electronics and communication can contact our corporate office located at Jayanagar, Bangalore for Android project details.
Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google, based on the Linux kernel and designed primarily for touch screen mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets.
Android’s user interface is mainly based on direct manipulation, using touch gestures that loosely correspond to real-world actions, such as swiping, tapping and pinching, to manipulate on-screen objects, along with a virtual keyboard for text input. In addition to touchscreen devices, Google has further developed Android TV for televisions, Android Auto for cars and Android Wear for wrist watches, each with a specialized user interface. Variants of Android are also used on notebooks, game consoles, digital cameras, and other electronics.
Android’s default user interface is mainly based on direct manipulation, using touch inputs that loosely correspond to real-world actions, like swiping, tapping, pinching, and reverse pinching to manipulate on-screen objects, along with a virtual keyboard.
Game controllers and full-size physical keyboards are supported via Bluetooth or USB. The response to user input is designed to be immediate and provides a fluid touch interface, often using the vibration capabilities of the device to provide haptic feedback to the user.
Internal hardware, such as accelerometers, gyroscopes and proximity sensors are used by some applications to respond to additional user actions, for example adjusting the screen from portrait to landscape depending on how the device is oriented, or allowing the user to steer a vehicle in a racing game by rotating the device, simulating control of a steering wheel.
Android devices boot to the home screen, the primary navigation and information “hub” on Android devices, analogous to the desktop found on personal computers. Android home screens are typically made up of app icons and widgets; app icons launch the associated app, whereas widgets display live, auto-updating content, such as a weather forecast, the user’s email inbox, or a news ticker directly on the home screen.
A home screen may be made up of several pages, between which the user can swipe back and forth. Third-party apps available on Google Play and other app stores can extensively re-theme the home screen, and even mimic the look of other operating systems, such as Windows Phone. Most manufacturers customize the look and features of their Android devices to differentiate themselves from their competitors.
Along the top of the screen is a status bar, showing information about the device and its connectivity. This status bar can be “pulled” down to reveal a notification screen where apps display important information or updates. Notifications are “short, timely, and relevant information about your app when it’s not in use”, and when tapped, users are directed to a screen inside the app relating to the notification.
Beginning with Android 4.1 “Jelly Bean”, “expandable notifications” allow the user to tap an icon on the notification in order for it to expand and display more information and possible app actions right from the notification. An All Apps screen lists all installed applications, with the ability for users to drag an app from the list onto the home screen.
Android Versions:
Petit Four | 1.1 |
Cupcake | 1.5 |
Donut | 1.6 |
Eclair | 2.0 – 2.1 |
Froyo | 2.2 – 2.2.3 |
Gingerbread | 2.3 – 2.3.7 |
Honeycomb | 3.0 – 3.2.6 |
Ice Cream Sandwich | 4.0 – 4.0.4 |
Jelly Bean | 4.1 – 4.3.1 |
KitKat | 4.4 – 4.4.4 |
Lollipop | 5.0 – 5.1.1 |
Marshmallow | 6.0 – 6.0.1 |
Nougat | 7.0 – 7.1.2 |
Oreo | 8.0 – 8.1 |
Android P | 9 |
Android Q | 10* (subject to change) |

Applications (“apps”), which extend the functionality of devices, are written using the Android software development kit (SDK) and, often, the Java programming language. Java may be combined with C/C++, together with a choice of non-default runtimes that allow better C++ support. The Go programming language is also supported, although with a limited set of application programming interfaces (API). In May 2017, Google announced support for Android app development in the Kotlin programming language.
The SDK includes a comprehensive set of development tools, including a debugger, software libraries, a handset emulator based on QEMU, documentation, sample code, and tutorials. Initially, Google’s supported integrated development environment (IDE) was Eclipse using the Android Development Tools (ADT) plugin; in December 2014, Google released Android Studio, based on Intelligent IDEA, as its primary IDE for Android application development. Other development tools are available, including a native development kit (NDK) for applications or extensions in C or C++, Google App Inventor, a visual environment for novice programmers, and various cross platform mobile web applications frameworks. In January 2014, Google unveiled an framework based on Apache Cordova for porting Chrome HTML 5 web applications to Android, wrapped in a native application shell.
Android has a growing selection of third-party applications, which can be acquired by users by downloading and installing the application’s APK (Android application package) file, or by downloading them using an application store program that allows users to install, update, and remove applications from their devices. Google Play Store is the primary application store installed on Android devices that comply with Google’s compatibility requirements and license the Google Mobile Services software. Google Play Store allows users to browse, download and update applications published by Google and third-party developers; as of July 2013, there are more than one million applications available for Android in Play Store. As of July 2013, 50 billion applications have been installed. Some carriers offer direct carrier billing for Google Play application purchases, where the cost of the application is added to the user’s monthly bill. As of May 2017, there are over one billion active users a month for Gmail, Android, Chrome, Google Play and Maps.
Due to the open nature of Android, a number of third-party application marketplaces also exist for Android, either to provide a substitute for devices that are not allowed to ship with Google Play Store, provide applications that cannot be offered on Google Play Store due to policy violations, or for other reasons. Examples of these third-party stores have included the Amazon Appstore, GetJar, and SlideMe. F-Droid, another alternative marketplace, seeks to only provide applications that are distributed under free and open source licenses.

Java Final year CSE projects in Bangalore
- Java Information Forensic / Block Chain B.E Projects
- Java Cloud Computing B.E Projects
- Java Big Data with Hadoop B.E Projects
- Java Networking & Network Security B.E Projects
- Java Data Mining / Web Mining / Cyber Security B.E Projects
- Java DataScience / Machine Learning B.E Projects
- Java Artificaial Inteligence B.E Projects
- Java Wireless Sensor Network B.E Projects
- Java Distributed & Parallel Networking B.E Projects
- Java Mobile Computing B.E Projects

Embedded Final year CSE projects in Bangalore
- Embedded Robotics Projects for M.tech Final Year Students
- Embedded IEEE Internet of Things Projects for B.E Students
- Embedded Raspberry PI Projects for B.E Final Year Students
- Embedded Automotive Projects for Final Year B.E Students
- Embedded Biomedical Projects for B.E Final Year Students
- Embedded Biometric Projects for B.E Final Year Students
- Embedded Security Projects for B.E Final Year